Monday 28 March 2016

Recipe Idea

Yesterday I came up with an idea for a yummy recipe for my baking book. I thought of some of the foods we had in the pantry that were sweet and there was chocolate and marshmallows. I thought would if I combined chocolate and marshmallows together in a chocolate mould. So I got an easter egg chocolate mould because it was easter and then put a thin spread of chocolate all around the mould. Then I got half of a marshmallow and put it in the chocolate. Then I applied the final layer of the chocolate and waited for it to set. Then when they were all set they tasted delicious.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

I have got my Passion Project idea

I am so excited about Passion Project I all most fell over. My passion is cooking so I wanted to do something to do with cooking. My Passion Project idea is making a baking book that teens can cook by themselves. To do this I need to do a lot of research about what recipes taste good and what does not. I also want to have some people to try my food and give it a star rating or a comment about it. I am thinking of putting 10-20 recipes in there. But there are a few things that I am afraid of some of the fears I have are that I will miss out a step of the recipe or that I will make a mess that type of thing. There is one thing I am not looking forward to...... Washing the dishes!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Passion Project

A Passion Project is a project that lasts all year. Since you have to do it for a whole year you need to choose a topic that you are really passionate about. Since I am passionate about cooking I am doing a baking book that teens can cook by themselves. It has to be different from everyone else's and has to be do able in the year. You have to consider low budget, learning something new, asking around the community and stuff like that. If you had to do a Passion Project what would it be?

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